
for lilly

Readers, please head over to the Zingo Tots blog and check out a raffle to raise money for a very special little girl. 3 year old Lilly has Arnold-Chiari malformation - a condition of the brain that will require surgery for Lilly. I can attest that having a child with even relatively minor medical
condition is very costly...from having to take time off of work, from travel to and from the hospital and doctor's appointments, to co-pays and paying what insurance won't cover...it adds up, believe me. And Lilly's condition will require major surgery...her family needs our help. All the proceeds from the raffle will go to help Lilly. Its definately worth checking out...there are some really adorable raffle items on there, and tickets are only $10! Click the button below to check out the raffle and for more information on Lilly and her condition.

Raffle is here:

Thanks for considering helping!!

(and thanks to sara for posting this on her blog so we could hear about it!)

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