
Kristin's Story

It was Christmas Eve when Kristin McCollum dressed up for the 
family gathering at her parent’s home. She wore her black dress with red sweater, creamy red lipstick, and infectious laughter. The family celebrated the evening together and looked forward to the rushing in of the Christmas Day festivities. They had presents, home cooked food, and a family get-away to the beach. Unfortunately, while driving on the rainy roads from her country home toward the city, she swerved off the road, possibly to avoid a deer, and came to a life-threatening halt, pinned against a tree inside her car. It took over 45 minutes to evacuate her. For Kristin the only trip she took on Christmas Day was the rushing of an ambulance to Valley Medical Hospital where she has spent the last several months recovering from multiple injuries, included many broken bones, and a most traumatic brain injury that put her in a coma.

Kristin, a native San Jose, California, manager at Pizza My Heart, and extremely well-loved sister, daughter and family friend has been on the long and arduous road to recovery since that fateful Christmas day.
Kristin and her sisters,  Katie and Jenny

She has been under constant and intense care since the day of her horrible accident. She is a fighter, and God has blessed her and her family with new progress, hopes, and goals every day. Kristin was in the hospital for over 4.5 months and is now in a physical care facility in Bakersfield, CA. Her days are filled with a variety of therapies including speech, motion, memory, and routines for daily physical tasks.
Some of what lies ahead for Kristin is unknown, but with the goodness of God, all things are possible and have been made possible. You can be a part of that goodness.

If you would like to celebrate Wren’s 2nd birthday with us, in lieu of gifts we’re asking for donations to put toward Kristin’s recovery. Please use the paypal button in the side column.
We will be sending one lump sum check to the special account that has been set up for Kristin.

Your thoughtful generosity is an incredible blessing and aid in the fullness of Kristin’s recovery. 
<3 to you all.
Kristin @ CNS in Bakersfield where she continues her journey toward recovery! 

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